Docs/How to start

How to start

Doing your first steps

When you create your account and do your login, you will be redirected to your dashboard initially and on the left side you have a menu, with some options, so, let's start with the groups


Groups can be "translated" to applications in a crude way, we use this approach to help you to better organize your applications


Members are the users that will have access to your applications.

Each member belongs to a group and each group can have multiple members.


Well, it's a kind of self explanatory.

It's all the permissions a member will can have.


Profile it's like the group of permissions.

Each member has her own permissions, but, you don't wanna to add every single permission to each member, so, you create a profile with the permissions you want and pass this profile to each member.

And if you want to add a new permission to all members, you just need to add this permission to the profile and it's done.


It's a simple flow.
